December 25, 2024 (Wednesday) 13:30 - 14:30 JST
Study of acoustic defogging using SDM and comparison with experimental results
Zhuang-Zhuang Tian
Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology
Location (hybrid): Zoom and University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 313 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 313セミナー室),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail:
November 6, 2024 (Wednesday) 13:30 - 14:30 JST
Turbulence modulation by suspended finite-size solid particles: DNS and theoretical modeling
Professor Lian-Ping Wang
Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology
The presence of a dispersed phase substantially modifies small-scale fluid turbulence. However, there has not been a comprehensive mechanistically-based understanding to predict turbulence modulation. In the first part of this talk, I will discuss interface-resolved simulation results pertaining to turbulence modulation by suspended finite-sized solid particles. In the second part, I will review our recent efforts towards physics-based modeling of turbulence modulation, focusing on the modulation of turbulent kinetic energy by dispersed particles. The model is formulated based on an energy flux balance equation at an inertial-subrange scale which naturally incorporates five relevant system governing parameters: ratio of particle size to Kolmogorov length, particle-to-fluid density ratio, particle volume fraction, relative mean slip velocity, and local flow Reynolds number. The model predictions are then compared to results from particle-resolved simulations and high-fidelity experiments. The capabilities of the model in explaining augmentation and attenuation of turbulence by the dispersed particles as well as the decay rate of turbulent kinetic energy will be discussed.
Location (hybrid): Zoom and University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 313 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 313セミナー室),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail:
October 31, 2024 (Thursday) 16:00 - 17:00 JST
Quantum computing for cloud droplet collision-coalescence growth process
上野和雅 (UENO Kazumasa)
東京大学大学院 理学系研究科 三浦研 修士2年生 (Master's student, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo)
Quantum computers have gained significant attention in recent years. They are expected to solve problems that classical computers cannot, by leveraging quantum properties such as superposition, interference, and entanglement. However, using quantum computers does not automatically result in efficient computations. There are challenges that must be addressed, including issues with linearity, encoding, and readout. In this work, a quantum algorithm was applied to the master equation that describes the cloud droplet collision-coalescence growth process. We will introduce the basics of quantum computing and discuss its applicability to atmospheric problems.
Location (hybrid): Zoom and University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 313 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 313セミナー室),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail:
March 27, 2024 (Wednesday) 13:30 - 14:30 JST
中井 大 (Dai Nakai)
京都工芸繊維大学大学院 機械設計学専攻 2回生, 計測システム工学研究室
Location (hybrid): Zoom and University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 313 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 313セミナー室),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail:
March 12, 2024 (Tuesday) 13:30 - 14:30 pm JST
Daytime convective development over land: The role of surface forcing
Wojciech W. Grabowski
Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Laboratory, NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307, USA
Water availability at the Earth surface determines the portioning of the surface heat flux into its sensible and latent components, that is, the surface heat flux Bowen ratio. The two components affect differently the surface buoyancy flux and thus the development and growth of the convective boundary layer. As a result, the Bowen ratio has a critical impact on the daytime dry and moist convection development over land. We use two canonical modeling test cases, one for the shallow convection and one for the shallow-to-deep convection transition, to document the impact of the surface Bowen ratio on daytime convection development. A simple approach is used where results from simulations featuring the original setup are contrasted with simulations where surface sensible heat flux takes on values of the latent heat flux and vice versa. Such a change illustrates the key impact of the surface water availability without changing the total surface heat flux. Because of the larger surface buoyancy flux, simulations with the reversed surface heat fluxes feature faster deepening of the convective boundary layer and wider clouds once moist convection develops. Mean cloud base width of cumulus clouds increases as the boundary layer deepens. A simple explanation is provided of why deeper well-mixed convective subcloud layer results in wider clouds. The key is the larger width of boundary layer coherent updraft structures when the convective subcloud layer is deeper.
Location (hybrid): Zoom and University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 720 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 720大講義室),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail:
September 11, 2023 (Mon) 3:00 - 4:00 pm JST
Relationship between hail, differential reflectivity and atmospheric aerosols in a mid-latitude hail storm
Alexander Khain (1), Eyal Ilotoviz (1), Vaughan Phillips (2) and Alexander Ryzhkov (3)
(1) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
(2) Lund University, Sweden
(3) National Severe Storm Laboratory, USA
A midlatitude hail storm was simulated using the spectral bin microphysics Hebrew University Cloud Model (HUCM) with a detailed description of time-dependent melting and freezing. In addition to size distributions of drops, plate-, columnar-, and branch-type ice crystals, snow, graupel, and hail, new mass distributions for freezing drops as well as for liquid water mass within precipitating ice particles were implemented to describe time-dependent freezing and wet growth of hail, graupel, and freezing drops.
Simulations carried out using different aerosol loadings show that an increase in aerosol loading leads to a decrease in the total mass of hail but also to a substantial increase in the maximum size of hailstones. Cumulative rain strongly increases with an increase in aerosol concentration from 100 to about 1000 cm-3. The main effect of the increase in the aerosol concentration is the increase in the supercooled cloud water content at high levels. Accordingly, at high aerosol concentration, the hail grows largely by accretion of cloud droplets in the course of recycling in the cloud updraft zone. The main mechanism of hail formation in the case of low aerosol concentration is freezing of raindrops.
A polarimetric radar forward operator is used to calculate radar reflectivity and differential reflectivity ZDR. It is shown that ZDR columns are associated with raindrops and with hail particles growing in a wet growth regime within convective updrafts. The height and volume of ZDR columns increases with an increase in aerosol concentration. Small hail forming under clean conditions grows in updrafts largely in a dry growth regime corresponding to low ZDR. Parameters of ZDR columns (heights, ZDR values) are highly correlated with vertical velocity, hail size, and aerosol concentration. These correlations can be used for short range forecasts of hail.
Location (hybrid): Zoom and University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 313502 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 313502),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail:
September 8, 2023 (Fri) 3:00 - 4:00 pm JST
Combined effect of the Weber-Bergeron-Findeisen mechanism and large eddies on Arctic clouds: Why are Arctic stratocumulus clouds mixed-phase and stable?
Alexander Khaina, Mark Pinskya, and Alexei Korolevb
a The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
b Environment and Climate Change Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The process of glaciation in mixed-phase stratiform clouds was investigated by a novel Lagrangian–Eulerian model (LEM) in which thousands of adjoining Lagrangian parcels with characteristic size of ~ 10 m moved within a turbulent-like velocity field with statistical parameters typical of the Arctic boundary layer. We used detailed bin microphysics to describe the condensation/evaporation processes in each parcel, in which droplets, aerosols, and ice particles were described using size distributions of 500 mass bins. The model also calculated aerosol mass inside droplets and ice particles. Gravitational sedimentation of droplets and ice particles was also accounted for. Assuming that droplet freezing is the primary source of ice particles, the Arctic clouds observed in Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (ISDAC) were successfully simulated. The model showed that at a low ice particle concentration typical of ISDAC, large vortices (eddies) led to a quasi-stationary regime, in which mixed-phase St existed for a long time. The large eddies controlled the water partitioning in the mixed-phase clouds. Droplets formed and grew in updrafts, typically reaching the cloud top, and evaporated in downdrafts. Ice particles grew in updrafts and downdrafts. The Wegener–Bergeron–Findeisen (WBF) mechanism was efficient in downdrafts, near cloud top, and some part of updrafts depending on ice concentration and vertical velocity. At low ice concentrations, the effect of ice on the phase partitioning was negligible. In this regime, liquid droplets were found near the cloud top, whereas ice particles precipitated through the cloud base. When ice concentration exceeded about ten per liter, the WBF mechanism led to glaciation of almost the entire cloud, with the exception of narrow cloud regions associated with strong updrafts. The microphysical structure of mixed-phase St forms as a combined effect of cloud dynamics (large eddies) and the WBF mechanism.
Location (hybrid): Zoom and University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 313 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 313),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail:
Date and time: June 21, 2023 (Wed) 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Numerical convergence properties of the superdroplet model in a 2-D prescribed flow with fixed thermodynamics
Presenter: Clara Bayley
IMPRS-ESM, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Location (hybrid): Zoom and University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 313 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 313),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail:
Date and time: May 26, 2023 (Fri) 4:30 - 5:30 pm
How EUREC4A and BCO observations advanced understanding of the cloud-circulation coupling, the diurnal cycle and cold pools in the trade-wind region
Presenter: Raphaela Vogel
Meteorologisches Institut, Faculty of Physics, Universität Hamburg
Shallow trade cumulus clouds populate most of the subtropical oceans and cool the planet by reflecting the incoming solar radiation. The response of trade cumuli to climate change is a key uncertainty in climate projections. This uncertainty motivated the establishment of the Barbados Cloud Observatory (BCO), which measures trade cumuli and their environment with a large suite of in-situ and remote sensing instruments since 2010. And it also motivated the recent EUREC4A field campaign, which took place upstream Barbados in January and February 2020. In this presentation, I will first give an overview of the available BCO and EUREC4A data. And then I’ll show three examples how we used the data to (a) refute a mechanism for a strongly positive trade cumulus feedback, (b) explore the diurnal cycle of cloudiness and mesoscale cloud organization, and (c) compile a climatology of trade cumulus cold pools and their associated dynamical and thermodynamical changes. As an outlook, I’ll briefly discuss ideas to retrieve profiles of rain evaporation rates and downdrafts, and the planned setups for the LES and SRM intercomparison of the EUREC4A-MIP.
Location (hybrid): Zoom from Hamburg; and University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 313 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 313),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail:
Date and time: Dec 21, 2022 (Wed) 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Implementation and deployment of the piggybacking method to SCALE
Presenter: Piotr Żmijewski
Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Location (hybrid): Zoom; and University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 501 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 501 小講義室),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail:
Date and time: Nov 15, 2019 (Fri) 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Title: Comparison of Eulerian bin and Lagrangian particle-based schemes in simulations of Pi Chamber dynamics and microphysics
Presenter: Wojciech W. Grabowski
Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Laboratory, NCAR
This presentation will discuss a comparison of simulations applying traditional Eulerian bin microphysics scheme with simulations using a novel particle-based Lagrangian approach to simulate CCN activation and droplet growth. The Eulerian bin microphysics solve the evolution equation for the spectral density function, whereas Lagrangian approach follows evolution in time and space of computational particles referred to as super-droplets. Each super-droplet represents a multiplicity of natural droplets that makes the Lagrangian approach computationally feasible. The two schemes apply identical representation of CCN activation and use the same droplet growth equation; these make the direct comparison between the two schemes practical. The study, the first of its kind, applies an idealized simulation setup motivated by laboratory experiments with the Pi Chamber and previous model simulations of the Pi Chamber dynamics and microphysics. Pi Chamber laboratory apparatus considers interaction between turbulence, CCN activation, and cloud droplet growth in moist Rayleigh-Bénard convection driven by the temperature and moisture difference between homogeneous horizontal boundaries. Steady-state droplet spectra averaged over the entire chamber are similar, with the mean droplet concentration, mean radius and spectral width close in Eulerian and Lagrangian simulations. Small differences are explained by the inherent differences between the two schemes and their numerical implementation. However, as one might expect, the local droplet spectra differ substantially, again in agreement with the inherent limitations of the theoretical foundation behind each approach. Comparison between simulations, laboratory experiments, and previous theoretical studies of droplet growth in the turbulent environment will be discussed.
Location: University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 502 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 502 小講義室),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail:
Date and time: Aug 23, 2019 (Fri) 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Title: PySDM: exploring novel tools from the Python ecosystem for super-droplet simulation studies
Presenters: Piotr Bartman1 and *Sylwester Arabas1
1. Division of Computational Mathematics, Jagiellonian Univ., Cracow, Poland
* speaker
PySDM ( is a new Python implementation of the Super-Droplet Method (SDM, Shima et al. 2009) algorithm for representing particle collisional growth in numerical models of atmospheric clouds. It is being built on top of Numba, Pythran and ThrustRTC - packages offering high-performance CPU and GPU computing capabilities at little-to-no trade-off to Python's code clarity and testability. This opens up possibilities to embrace state-of-the-art productivity-oriented software engineering and dissemination practices established in the Python ecosystem. To highlight the attainable level of agility, the talk will feature a demo during which everyone will be encouraged to try out a simple simulation using PySDM through a Jupyter notebook executed on a cloud-computing platform (i.e., a browser is the only requirement). Please bring your laptops.
Location: University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science, Computational Science Center Building, room 313 (兵庫県立大学神戸情報科学キャンパス 313セミナー室),
Contact: Shin-ichiro Shima (島伸一郎), e-mail: